Starbucks Orders – Spring/Summer Edition

A whole post about Starbucks?? What is there not to love?! I’m not even a coffee person but this mermaid-icon based cafe is one of the places that brings me joy.🌈 One of my strengths is that I can usually find a silver lining in most situations. Now that I work from home and haveContinue reading “Starbucks Orders – Spring/Summer Edition”

Let’s Get Ready to Shop Together! πŸ›

** Disclaimer, if you are an email subscriber and are reading this from your email, click on the title of the blog post above so it will redirect you to my pretty website that I took a lot of time to create. It’s much better scenery then how this is sent to your email lolContinue reading “Let’s Get Ready to Shop Together! πŸ›”

You’re Such a 1!!!

Does anyone remember in the early 2000’s, there were all these personality tests that we could take to see which type of personality you identified with the most based on certain characteristics? πŸ¦‹ Even today, we can scroll on Facebook and inevitably come across a Buzzfeed quiz named “pick your perfect brunch and we willContinue reading “You’re Such a 1!!!”

Don’t Be Afraid to Dream

It was a bit of a challenge trying to figure out what my next blog post was going to be because I felt a little uninspired this week especially with the icy gloom that has swept the country this past week. Check out my instagram for Texas-relief organizations and ways to donate. Anyways, while IContinue reading “Don’t Be Afraid to Dream”

My Morning Moments Routine

Another Monday has rolled around friends. Who is ready for this new week? Did anyone else eat their weight in chocolate this past weekend? No? Just me? okay. Really though, I hope that everyone enjoyed their Valentine’s and Galentine’s weekend even though we had to improvise a little bit more than usual this year. IContinue reading “My Morning Moments Routine”

V-Day Weekend Survival Guide β£οΈ

As we head into Valentine’s Day weekend, I wanted to put together this little post to share some ideas of how to spend it. I talked about this in the past couple of posts but I will reiterate it again because it’s that important… Valentine’s Day isn’t exclusively for couples!!! I strongly believe that Valentine’sContinue reading “V-Day Weekend Survival Guide β£οΈ”

Self-Love Is In The Air

Happy Monday everyone! Was it hard for anyone else to wake up this morning? The infamous morning after the Super Bowl, of course pre-covid, was the day that most people frequently called out of work for. Let me tell y’all, this morning was a struggle to get out of bed. Don’t be fooled though, IContinue reading “Self-Love Is In The Air”

πŸ’˜It’s Cupid Time- Valentine’s Day Gift Guides Included πŸ’˜

Valentine’s Day is a little over a week away!! I cannot believe how fast time is flying however, I am beyond excited to celebrate one of my favourite holidays (which other day of the year is sprinkled with pink, red, and white?). While I still spend the majority (like 98%) of my time at home,Continue reading “πŸ’˜It’s Cupid Time- Valentine’s Day Gift Guides Included πŸ’˜”

Be Kind to Yourself

Happy Monday and HAPPY FEBRUARY!!πŸ’— February is one of my favourite months of the year because it brings so much love and thoughtfulness. If you head over to my Instagram page @saraeliseblog, you will see a couple Monday inspirational pictures that I wanted to frame our minds to in the beginning of the day. IContinue reading “Be Kind to Yourself”

Persevering vs Achieving New Year’s Goals

I’m a To-Do list person. There I said it. I don’t have any objections to flying by the seat of your pants, but I personally have never been able to operate like that. Ever since I was little, I had all different types of organizational items within an arm’s reach away. Journals, diaries, planners, colourfulContinue reading “Persevering vs Achieving New Year’s Goals”